Organised by the Action and Protection League (APL), the short film „The End of Innocence,” produced by the Abraham Global Peace Initiative (AGPI), will be screened at the Uránia National Film Theatre on June 5 from 3.30 to 6 pm with Hungarian subtitles.
The film is about the October 7 massacre in South Israel. „Unveiling the Brutal Hamas Assault and the Global Web of Denial, Distortion and Complicity.”
Almost eight months after the biggest massacre against Jews since the Holocaust and the most significant terror attack in modern history, and while the ground operation in Gaza is still going on, we see a very concerning reduction in the international support for Israel, a significant rise in antisemitism and oblivion regarding October 7 and the Israeli hostages, who are still held captive by Hamas.
The screening event’s primary goal is to remind us and the world what Israel is fighting for and why, and not to let the atrocities and the victims of October 7 be forgotten.
The event will be opened by Mr Avi Benlolo, the founder and president of Abraham Global Peace Initiative, The Israeli Ambassador to Hungary, Yacov Hadas-Handelsman and State Secretary in Prime Minister’s Office Vince Szalai-Bobrovniczky.
Afterwards, the program will continue with the screening of the film, which will be followed by two panel discussions.
The first panel is a professional panel about Antisemitism in Hungary before and after „Black Shabbat,” where two experts, Dr György Csepeli, professor emeritus at the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences, and Dr Habil Istvan Grajczjar, PhD, Head of the International and Political Studies Department at Milton Friedman University, will present new research about how the October 7 massacre affected antisemitism in Hungary.
The second panel will be about ‘Israel and the World after October 7’, where experts from Israel will share their perspectives and opinions. The speakers in this panel will be MK Ariel Kallner, who is also the head of the Knesset Delegation for relations with the European Parliament, Hananya Naftali, an Israeli influencer who also worked in the communication team of PM Benjamin Netanyahu, and Mohamad Kabyia, an Israeli-Arab influencer who is working a lot for the Israeli advocacy around the world.
The event is open to the public, but due to recent incidents, including the one in the Danube Institution, where the Israeli Ambassador’s speech was interrupted by pro-Palestinian activists, it will be secured by a security company and the local police, and pre-registration is required.
Link for registration: