Anti-Jewish protests at Birmingham University alarm Jewish students

Protests were held across the United Kingdom on February 7 as part of the Stand With Gaza workplace day of action, where – among others – banners calling for the death of Zionists were raised.

British-Jewish student groups at the University of Birmingham expressed concern regarding their safety following the nationwide anti-Israel protests on February 7, which were joined by trade unionists in media, education, civil service and more. Multiple campuses saw rallies as part of the event organised by Stop the War Coalition, reports The Jerusalem Post.

Protesters raised banners reading „Zionists off our campus” and allegedly harassed Jewish students, telling them „death to Zionists.” According to the reasoning of the Campaign Against Antisemitism, the vast majority of Jews consider themselves Zionists; therefore, in reality, the call against Zionists is against Jewish students.

The Union of Jewish Students and Birmingham Jewish Society said in a joint statement that they are „scared and heartbroken.” „This antisemitic hatred has been allowed to fester on our campus for too long. The University of Birmingham must take action now.”