Australian MP implied that Jewish lobby infiltrates the community

Australian Member of Parliament Jenny Leong claimed that the Jewish and Zionist lobby infiltrates areas of power.

Australian MP Jenny Leong, who represents the Green Party and describes herself as an anti-racist on her social media, was filmed claiming that it was important to call out the “Jewish lobby and Zionist lobby” for trying to put their “tentacles” into areas of power. The footage was shared online and by multiple media reports, writes The Jerusalem Post.

Leong implied that a Jewish and Zionist lobby was attempting to infiltrate community action groups for non-altruistic reasons.

Leong’s comments were condemned by the New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies, who wrote on X, “ Stop what you’re doing and listen to the despicable remarks of @Greens MP @jennyleong, in which she accuses Jews of having “tentacles” which they use to try and influence power.

“Leong has plumbed new and dangerous depths by using one of the oldest and darkest antisemitic tropes to accuse Jews of covertly manipulating civic life. She has outrageously suggested that there is a sinister or evil purpose associated with Jews undertaking the most normal of activities – interacting with other Australians.

“Her comments echo antisemitic propaganda throughout the ages, including Nazi propaganda, that Jews were conspiring to control the world.

“It is not only concerning that Leong – an elected official – believes this sinister and unfounded conspiracy but that she has no shame in spreading it. It is also striking that no other attendee at the event called out her hateful rhetoric.

“All decent people need to call out and condemn Leong’s dangerous and divisive rhetoric. It has no place anywhere, but especially not in modern Australia in 2024.”

After October 7, when the Australian Defense Minister Richard Marles said Hamas’s attack was unprovoked, Leong took to X and wrote:

“Unprovoked?! This is a disgraceful statement from Defence Minister Richard Marles. It is also appalling that tonight, the Opera House will be lit up in support of Israel – what about all of the Palestinian lives lost since occupation? What about the Palestinian Australian community mourning their loved ones? What about the decades upon decades of human rights violations against the Palestinian people? I am disgusted at both state and federal Labor Governments for their actions in relation to this.

“But I guess we shouldn’t be surprised – because, after all, they too rule over a land still marked with the bloodstains of invasion and colonisation without any end to the injustice for First Nations people.

“Today & every day, I stand in solidarity and defiance with Palestinian people here and across the globe. I urge all to listen to the voices of Palestinian people – and human rights organisations –  providing much-needed perspective and historical context for the current escalation.”


Photo credit: Flickr