Brazil’s First Lady calls Israeli government ‘genocidal’

Brazilian First Lady Janja Lula da Silva called the Israeli government genocidal. She refuted the allegations that her husband, Brazilian President Lula da Silva, is antisemitic for comparing Israel’s war against Hamas to the Holocaust.

Following the widely condemned remarks of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in which he compared Israel’s ongoing war against the Hamas terrorist organisation to the Holocaust, Brazilian First Lady Janja Lula da Silva joined her husband and called the Israeli government genocidal and refuted assertions that Brazilian President Lula da Silva’s comments were antisemitic, reports The Jerusalem Post.

“The speech referred to the genocidal government and not to the Jewish people,” she wrote on social media.

“I am proud of my husband, who since the beginning of this conflict in the Gaza Strip has defended peace and especially the right to life of women and children, who are the majority of victims,” she said. “I am sure that if President Lula had experienced the Second World War, he would have defended the right to life of the Jews in the same way.”

The First Lady added that journalists were hiding a genocide in Gaza by not publishing graphic images of dead Palestinian children, and she called for the world to condemn the murder of Gazan children.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira denounced Israel’s diplomatic response to President Lula’s remarks and said that it is “unusual and revolting”. “It is a shameful page in the history of Israel’s diplomacy,” he added.

After President Lula’s remarks, Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said that the president had engaged in a “serious antisemitic attack” and declared him a persona non grata in Israel until he “apologises and retracts his words.” Brazil said it had no intention of retracting President Lula’s statements.