British Jews face a new wave of crime amid Israel-Hamas war

The October 7 attack on Israel by the Palestinian terrorist organisation Hamas inspired a new wave of antisemitic hate crimes against the Jewish population in England. Kosher restaurants and other stores in London’s Jewish central hub of Golders Green have been targeted by vandals and thieves, people were attacked on the streets, and a major pro-Palestinian protest took place in front of the embassy.

On October 7, Israel was invaded by the hostile forces of the Hamas terrorist organisation from Gaza, which prompted an armed invasion on the North by the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

While the Jewish population in Israel experienced the immediate effects of war and major losses, Diaspora Jews face another kind of terror: Hamas and other terrorist supporters have roots everywhere, and the outbreak of the war resulted in worldwide pro-terror protests, and some politicians and community leaders also openly celebrate the war crimes Hamas are committing, while blaming Israel’s very existence for the attack.

In Golders Green, a central hub for London’s Jewry, graffiti was sprayed across the train station and main bridge.

Pita, an Israeli restaurant, had its windows smashed and the cash register stolen.

The police announced that they would not be treating the attack as a hate crime, despite having assured the community only days ago that more protections would be afforded to them in light of what is happening in Israel.

The police claim to have had „liaised with the organisers” to ensure that the right to lawful protest is not infringed. „The waving of a particular flag is not, in itself, a specific criminal offence unless it relates to a proscribed organisation. At present, no offences were identified,” the police added.

The police also claim to have arrested three persons for assault, racially-motivated criminal damage and possession of an offensive weapon, adding that further active arrest enquiries are underway.

All that time, the police failed to mention that the arrests were made after a rally held by pro-Palestine and pro-Iran forces outside the Israeli embassy.

The forces were celebrating the „uprising” of Palestine, one source told The Jerusalem Post, while The Telegraph reported that 2,000 people had attended the demonstration outside the embassy. The paper also reported that demonstrators shot fireworks at the embassy.

Despite the attacks and the intimidation, many members of the Jewish community of London refused to remain silent. In a video, Israel supporters break out into song, singing the national anthem of Israel.