- Action and Protection Foundation to launch Best Practice HandbookWe believe time has now come to share our experiences and results with others. It was our cooperation with the Jewish communities of the Visegrád Group that inspired us to write the Action and...2019.01.07.
- Knowledge-transfer training in Budapest, 7 November 2018The second event of the project, titled Single Incident Monitoring System For Fostering Security of Jewish Communities, took place in Budapest on the 7 of November 2018.2019.01.07.
- Monitoring trainings in Bratislava and Warsaw (November-December 2018)APF staff visited their Polish and Slovakian colleagues for short pieces of training on anti-semitism monitoring methodology.2019.01.07.
- United action by V4 countries to combat anti-SemitismThe Action and Protection Foundation (TEV) hosted an international conference, „European antisemitism, the fight against antisemitism”, on 27 June 2018.2018.06.29.
- Regional V4Antisemitism is one of the most alarming examples of how prejudice can persist for centuries. Antisemitism continues to be a reality and a common challenge in Europe, including V4 countries,...2018.05.25.