Dozens of Palestinian diplomats celebrated October 7 around the world

Recent findings revealed that a large number of Palestinian diplomats at the United Nations, across Europe and around the world celebrated the October 7 terror attack on Israel, compared Israel to the Nazis or made other disturbing statements.

The GnasherJew group gathered evidence from the social media activity of ambassadors, other officials and even embassy accounts. Their findings raise serious questions about the legitimacy of Palestinian Authority (PA) officials on the world stage.

The analysis of hundreds of posts from more than 30 profiles found that senior Palestinian diplomats compare the Israeli troops to Nazis, support the actions of the Hamas terrorist organisation, label the October 7 terror attack decolonisation and advocate the erasure of Israel, reports The Jewish Chronicles. Most of the contacted diplomats did not reply at all to the questions or responded that they were not posting in an official capacity or gave some vague explanation that they do, in fact, sympathise with the Jewish people but condemn the Israeli government’s sanctions.

Either way, these Palestinian diplomats have made the most disturbing statements around the world, starting on October 7, when many celebrated Hamas and its actions, labelling the terror attack as a break from oppression.

Hassan Albalawi, the deputy head of the Palestine mission to the EU, celebrated Hamas as „heroic”. At the same time, Adel Atieh, the Palestinian ambassador to the EU, described the terrorists as „the people of the mighty.” Meanwhile, Khuloussi Bsaiso, a Palestinian diplomat at the UN, shared a map of the Middle East without Israel. „Palestine as it should be,” he commented. PA ambassador to the EU, Adel Atieh, posted in Arabic on Facebook: „Freedom and breaking tyranny these are the people of the mighty… this is the only path to freedom and negotiation in the end, not the other way around.” Many other Palestinian diplomats based in Europe made extremely controversial comments, comparing the action of the Israeli government to that of the Nazis.

When the Auschwitz Memorial Museum tweeted that they had lost followers in October, Alaa Jadallah, a Palestinian diplomat at the EU, replied: „Unfortunately, Israel is instrumentalising the holocaust to get away with its crimes against humanity and heinous war crimes.” In Britain, Rana Abuayyash, consul at the Palestinian mission to London, shared a post on November 3 showing the Israeli flag morphing into Hitler and reposted a TikTok video of Netanyahu underneath the Nazi dictator.

Despite the slaughter of innocent revellers at the Nova Festival, Hala Abou-Hassira, the Palestinian ambassador to Paris, and Nadine Abualheija, a diplomat at the same mission, apparently attempted to justify the crimes of Hamas, blaming Israel for Hamas’ attack, defending the terrorist organisation and the Palestinians as „victims who resist genocide” describing Hamas as members of „Palestinian resistance” and suggesting that Israelis are the „real terrorists.” Jamila Hassan Eragat, another Palestinian diplomat based in Paris, shared a graphic on October 13 which stated: „Don’t judge a group of people for rising up against their oppressors… violence is necessary for decolonisation” She also tweeted a picture of a protester holding an image of Adolf Hitler turning into Benjamin Netanyahu.

The behaviour of officials in France was reflected elsewhere on the Continent. Khaldun Almassri, a diplomat at the Palestinian mission in Spain, shared a painting of people dancing with Palestinian flags on October 7. In January, he posted about the „zionist lobby” and shared an image which suggested Hitler and Netanyahu were one and the same.

In the immediate aftermath of the attack, Lema Nazeeh, a Palestinian diplomat at the EU, took to X/Twitter to apparently describe it as „decolonisation in tangible terms,” adding: „Palestinians are experiencing a profound sense of dignity and triumph, not mere victimhood.”

Similar attitudes were found among Palestinian officials worldwide, including in South Africa, Mozambique, Guinea, Sierra Leone, and many other African countries.

Salman El Herfi, the former Palestinian ambassador to South Africa and France who now advises Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, reposted an impression of Mary and Jesus next to a Palestinian mother and her child with the caption: „The pain of the Mother is the same as it was 2,000 years ago. The same killer.” Several other diplomats have shared the image.

Ambassador Dennis Ross, the former Middle East advisor to several US administrations, said of the findings: „The PA cannot have it both ways; they cannot claim they are for peace and then support what Hamas has done.

Ambassador Ross said that this was evidence that the PA was adopting Hamas’ attitudes. „The Palestinian Authority sees themselves increasingly weakened, and they sense a mood among the Palestinian public in the West Bank… who like the idea that [Hamas] is standing up to the Israelis,” he said. „The PA does not want to be seen as soft on Israel, so they adopt these kinds of positions.

„What the PA needs to understand is that to be a partner for peace, they also have to identify with peace. Not just at a sloganistic level. They have to demonstrate they are prepared to fulfil responsibilities.” Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, accused the diplomats of „hypocrisy and double talk,” He said: „When it comes to Hamas’ sanctions against Israel, even though Hamas are their bitter enemy, the Palestinian diplomats will turn a blind eye to their atrocities against Israel and worse they will even encourage them and defend them because in their view, the only goal is to attack Israel.” „Despite the Palestine Authority having the pretence of complying with EU principles of peace, human rights and international law (the PA is a welcome partner with human rights groups like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch), in reality, they openly defend and promote Hamas atrocities.” A spokesman for the Israeli embassy in London said: „The investigation reflects the worrying level of incitement to hatred and violence that we see in parts of Palestinian society.” Meanwhile, Caroline Turner, Director of UK Lawyers for Israel, called the findings „alarming” saying „we hope that now that this has come to light, the host countries will object to this behaviour and require the diplomats to leave.” As the war in Gaza continues to rage, many of those named in the dossier are regarded as moral authorities in their host countries. They are invited to discuss the conflict on television and post to thousands of followers on social media.

„Numerous diplomats were found to openly support terrorism and frequently make antisemitic remarks. The scale of this issue is significant. It is inconceivable that individuals entrusted with the responsibility of representing Palestine on the international stage are engaging in such behaviour. We call for their immediate removal from their positions and expulsion from their host countries,” said a spokesperson to the GnasherJew group.