An Israeli tourist was beaten by three attackers in Berlin on August 5. Antisemitic motivations are being considered by the authorities.
According to the German media news organisation Jüdische Allgemeine, an Israeli tourist was beaten on Saturday evening, August 5, in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin, Germany, reports The Jerusalem Post.
Two Israeli tourists were attacked by three individuals while walking on the street in Berlin. One of them was on the phone, speaking Hebrew. The three attackers jumped out of a car, pulling up alongside the tourists. One tried to talk in German to the older, 19-year-old Israeli, but he could not speak German. One of the men then hit him, causing him to fall. While he was on the ground, all three men reportedly punched and kicked the Israeli teen. The three men then drove away, leaving the older tourist with arm and face injuries. The younger one was unharmed.
The teens reported the incident to the police from a local hospital. German authorities have begun investigating the incident and are considering that there were antisemitic motivations for the attack.
Wir haben ein Problem. Und dieses Problem ist so groß. Zynisch gesprochen: Als jüdische Zeitung könnten wir eine Rubrik unter dem Motto „Attackierte Juden“ aufmachen. Die Inhalte würden uns nie ausgehen. Es ist beschämend und traurig. Eine Schande.
— Philipp Peyman Engel (@PhilippPeyman) August 6, 2023