Jewish group rejected from participating in UK Pride event

The Brighton & Hove Pride parade rejected the application of Jewish and Proud, a group that contains about 50-100 Jewish LGBTQ+-identifying individuals.

The Brighton & Hove Pride parade has been accused of being a „Hamas haven” following its decision to reject the application for Jewish and Proud’s participation in their event, reports The Jerusalem Post.

The rejected group was left „feeling devastated and completely betrayed” after being denied an official place in the parade. According to the organiser’s reasoning, the group „did not meet the criteria” of putting LGBT+ identity as the group’s main focus. However, members of Jewish and Proud witnessed other groups participate in the event despite not centering their identities around being LGBTQ+.

In response to the rejection, the Jewish „community activist group” accused Brighton & Hove Pride of creating expectations on Jewish groups „that are not made of others.”

Pro-Palestinian movement Queers 4 Palestine were seen waving Palestinian flags and inverted triangles.

An organiser for Jewish and Proud said that the Pride organisers „did nothing” to stop the „Hamas apologists leading the convoy” – allowing them to march alongside the official delegations.

„I was surprised when I saw Palestinian flags and no attempt to remove them after organisers explicitly told us that no national flags would be allowed. But then it got even worse when we saw all the red triangles. It felt like a Hamas haven,” a Jewish and Proud attendee said. „It feels devastating and a complete betrayal that they would treat the Jewish delegation so poorly. Brighton Pride organisers have shown their clear bias, and it’s extremely hurtful to be turned away at a time of rampant antisemitism.”

Brighton Pride promised to look into the allegations when asked by The Jewish Chronicle, claiming that they are „welcoming to people of all faiths and races. Pride is an inclusive international protest movement that exists to campaign for global LGBTQI+ rights. „