Tensions are rising between students in relation to the Israeli-Hamas war at the Riga Stradins University in Latvia.
The Ministry of Education and Science in Latvia will assess the situation at the Riga Stradins University (RSU) in the country’s capital regarding possible conflicts between international students concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, reports The Baltic Times.
The ministry’s decision comes after media sources reported that several RSU students from Israel have received hate texts since the start of the war in Israel. This has led to discord among RSU students. One person has contacted the State Security Service concerning antisemitic expressions and threats. Similar yet less extreme incidents happened already in the past at RSU.
The Ministry of Education and Science has contacted the Ministry of Health, under which RSU is a subordinate institution, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of the Interior to clarify the situation and prevent it from escalating.
Meanwhile, the State Security Service (VDD) confirmed to LETA, the main Latvian news agency, that the service is aware of the tensions among international students at RSU and is investigating the situation.
Threats against Israeli students at Riga Stradins University must be dealt with to the full extent of the law, the Chairman of the Saeima’s National Security Committee, Ainars Latkovskis (New Unity), believes.
The politician stressed that, if necessary, the possibility of expelling the persons making these threats from the country should even be considered.