The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which advocates for freedom from religious coercion in the military, and its Jewish leader were threatened on their website’s comment section.
The Military Religious Freedom Foundation and its Jewish founder received antisemitic murderous threats via its website’s comment section. The posts offered $5,000 to kill members of the group, which advocates for freedom from religious coercion in the military, adding an extra $1,000 if the victim is Jewish. The threats have drawn federal law enforcement attention, reports The Jerusalem Post.
“$5,000 will be payed [sic] to anyone who beh3ads [sic] an MRFF member” and “A thousand more if they are a kike.”
The webmaster removed the threats, but the foundation’s founder and leader, Mikey Weinstein, was able to share screenshots and automatic alerts he received from the website to verify the postings.
According to Weinstein, the poster is most likely an “internet troll” or provocateur, but since they are soliciting murder, which is a crime, the involvement of law enforcement is necessary. Weinstein has received frequent death threats, and his house has been vandalised, yet he says this latest threat “crossed a Rubicon.”
The poster pretended to be from the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a civil liberties group with which Weinstein’s group has worked. However, it has been established that the poster has nothing to do with CAIR.
Weinstein and his foundation have succeeded in getting the military to clamp down on proselytisation and religious coercion in the military.