Rioters Burn Down Synagogue in Tunisia

Hundreds of Tunisian pro-Palestinian rioters burnt down the el-Hamma Synagogue in the Gabès Governorate.

According to videos and images posted on TikTok and X, hundreds of Tunisians burnt down the el-Hamma Synagogue on Tuesday evening, October 17, reports the Algemeiner.

The synagogue, located in the Gabès Governorate, does not function as a place of worship since there is currently no Jewish community in the town. Videos posted the morning after the arson show that much of the synagogue complex has burnt down, with Arabic graffiti sprayed on the walls of synagogue rooms, which remained intact.

The synagogue attack came hours after false media reports claimed that the Israel Defense Forces had bombed the Al-Ahli hospital in Gaza. US and Israeli officials and independent intelligence analysts have all concluded that the blast was due to an errant rocket launched by the Gaza-based Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group.

In the initial videos of the synagogue arson, no police or emergency services are seen responding to the incident. As of October 18, Tunisian or international media has not reported the Tunisia synagogue attack.