Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says that Zelensky’s Jewish roots do not negate the Nazi element of his government, adding that some of the worst antisemites were Jewish.
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday, May 1, that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy being Jewish does not exclude the possibility of Nazi elements in his country, reports the ynetnews. In a statement quoted in Reuters, Lavrov said that he believed Hitler also had Jewish blood. An Italian media also quoted him saying that some of the worst antisemites were Jews.
In February, Putin authorized “a special military operation” against Ukraine to eliminate what he called a serious threat, saying he aimed to demilitarize Russia’s southern neighbor. He asserts that his reason for invading Ukraine is to “de-Nazify” the country, claiming that part of the Ukrainian government was held by Neo-Nazi elements.
Lavrov claimed Zelenskyy was inconsistent in his positions and that the Ukrainians were sabotaging ceasefire negotiations. He added that Zelenskyy could bring about peace if he stopped giving criminal instructions to his Nazi forces.
The Yad Vashem Museum chairman Danny Dayan said, “Lavrov’s words are unfounded, strange, and dangerous and must be condemned.”
The Action and Protection League (APL) strongly condemns things said by Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey Lavrov. “Adolf Hitler was in charge of the biggest genocide in the history of humanity, which claimed the lives of 6 million Jews. Identifying him with the Jewish people is an evil lie and is unacceptable. Using this distortion to link Hitler to the conflicts of our time is clear antisemitism and damages Holocaust remembrance”, claimed in a statement by Tamir Wertzberger, Foreign Affairs Director of APL.