Scooter rider knocks yarmulke off a Jewish man’s head in NYC

According to a police report, a hateful scooter-riding man knocked the yarmulke off a Jewish man’s head in Brooklyn, reports the New York Post.

A 49-year-old Jewish man wearing traditional Jewish attire was looking at his cell phone on the street in the early evening of August 16 in Brooklyn when two men drove past him on a scooter and knocked off his yarmulke.

The suspects were caught on a surveillance camera. As they approached the Jewish man, one of them allegedly said something indecipherable as he slapped off the victim’s yarmulke and drove off.

The victim did not report any physical injuries; however, the NYPD’s Hate Crimes Task Force is investigating the incident. The police released photos of both suspects, described as males believed to be in their late teens to early 20s, with medium complexions and thin builds.