The October 7 massacre by Hamas did not make it to the list of terror attacks of the UN

On the occasion of the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, the United Nations organised an exhibition in memory of the victims of terror attacks around the world. Interestingly, the October 7 terrorist attack by the Hamas terrorist organisation less than a year ago was not considered worthy to be included.

On August 21, the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, the UN held a large exhibition to remember the victims of terror attacks around the world. At the exhibition, large posters were displayed depicting terror attacks such as 9/11, Boston, Indonesia, Kenya, and even a sole Palestinian victim of terror in New Zealand.

Incredibly, the UN chose to ignore the country victimised by more terror attacks than any other – Israel. Even Hamas’ October 7 massacre, rape, torture and murder of over 1,100 Israelis less than a year ago did not receive the UN’s attention, and neither did the 251 civilians who were taken hostage during the destruction and burning down of the attacked kibbutzes.

Therefore, as the UN decides not to categorise Palestinians murdering thousands of Israeli civilians as terror, it is no wonder the PA continues to broadcast calls for the extermination of Jews.

Watch Israel’s Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, touring the exhibition.

Gilad Erdan UN

Uploaded by palwatch on 2024-08-21.