UK politician arrested for antisemitic X posts

Suspended Liberal Democrat councillor and former Harrogate mayor Pat Marsh has been arrested by UK police after posting antisemitic content on X.

An X account under the suspended Liberal Democrat councillor Pat Marsh’s name posted, „How many other people are out there slaughtering babies and children as the Jews are at the moment” and „No wonder people are becoming anti-Jewish,” reports The Jerusalem Post.

Following the posts, North Yorkshire Police arrested Pat Marsh for antisemitic posts. The police confirmed that she „remains in custody while inquiries continue.”

Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Nicola Colbourne of Harrogate Neighbourhood Policing Team said, „North Yorkshire Police takes hate crime extremely seriously, and we are committed to identifying those responsible.”

A spokesperson for the Liberal Democrats said to the BBC, „These appalling antisemitic views have no place in our party; Ms Marsh has been removed from the council group and has been reported to the council’s Standard Officer.”

The BBC reported a day prior that it had been Marsh’s antisemitic posts on X which led to her suspension from her political party.

In screenshots shared by the charity Campaign Against Antisemitism, a social media account under Marsh’s name made comments such as „We can’t believe what your Jewish Country is doing to Palestinians it is outrageous, killing children and cutting off their hands and other atrocities do you not feel frightened for them!!!”