Warsaw synagogue vandalised by firebombs

Warsaw’s main synagogue was attacked with firebombs and sustained minor damage. No injuries have been reported.

An unknown perpetrator threw three firebombs, or Molotov cocktails, at the main synagogue of Warsaw on the night of April 30, which resulted in visible black areas on the wall where the firebombs hit the building near a ground floor window, reports the AP.

According to the country’s American-born chief rabbi, Michael Schudrich, it is “by tremendous luck or miracle” that the Nożyk Synagogue did not sustain major damage.

The incident was strongly condemned by political leaders. Only hours after the attack, ambassadors of the U.S. and Israel gathered at the spot with Jewish community leaders and Polish officials representing the president, the national parliament and the city government to condemn the attack and express solidarity with Poland’s Jewish community.

The Nożyk Synagogue is the only surviving prewar Jewish house of prayer in Warsaw.

“The Nożyk synagogue is a symbol of survival, and we stand in solidarity with Nożyk today and tomorrow,” said U.S. Ambassador Mark Brzezinski.


Photo credit: AP